Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's election day again. But let's not go there.

About two years ago, I started this blog because I lost my job and needed something to do/write about. Since then, I've had two contracts -- although the second one is currently lasting longer than two prior "full-time" positions.

So my work life is good, and I can focus some more anxiety on music-making endeavors. But how is everyone else doing?

Google public data explorer (beta) has charts on all kinds of interesting subjects, such as unemployment (by state and nationwide), population, greenhouse gas emissions, even the rate of sexually transmitted diseases.
Wow, Nevada.

Also check out the minimum wage chart for Europe... if things go really bad, I can always go wait tables in -- Luxembourg. Dang, Bulgaria is lowest on the list.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grant -- dun!

I just submitted an application for the Jack Straw Artist Support Program, for Dunava. If we get selected, we'll use the Jack Straw studio to record a second, more professional-level CD. (We love our first CD, but it was recorded in a home studio, and it shows... or rather, is audible.)

This is the first time I've applied for *anything* for Dunava, and it feels like such a milestone. Being accepted would be exciting just for the validation or vote of confidence from a group that is not our immediate fan club. We love our fan club -- all the Balkan music and dance people in and around Seattle -- but we want to be interesting and compelling to people new to the musical genre as well. That seems more like a worthwhile "mission:" to make Balkan songs beautiful and enjoyable to a wide spectrum of people, without compromising its character.

This is also getting me to finally think outside the box for the choir. The box = the local gig circuit we've been doing, including Folklife and the occasional little concert here and there. (We're at Empty Sea on November 13.) What else could we do? Could we do other folk festivals, like the one in Vancouver BC? Could we draw a crowd in Portland and Eugene?

Could we travel the world? Could we rehearse twice a week? Maybe let's dream in small increments...