Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Silly day

This morning R woke up with vertigo. Which was a bummer, since neither of us has to work today and we had a long list of things to do together. After sitting on the couch and breathing a bit, we decided to go ahead with our plans and take it one step at a time. Well, here's how it went:

1) Drove to bank, made boat payment. Success.
2) Drove to REI to drop of installation CDs for R's coworker, who is trying to restore my old tablet PC for us. Forgot that laptop does not have CD ROM drive -- and forgot the external drive at home. Fail.
3) Picked up boxes for packing from REI. Success.
4) Went to bike shop where R has built some wheels, to meet owner to get paid for previous work. Owner wasn't there. Fail.
5) Drove to ActiveSpace studio, which we were going to pack up and move today. Loaded up my car with one load, and drove it to Artwood (our future home). Success, but small.
6) Drove to Credit Union to open up joint account, but realized we didn't have our exact new address yet. Fail.
7) Then also realized we were going to take photos of Artwood to post online, and had forgotten to do so. Drive back? Nah. Fail.
8) Back home, R lies down on couch, still feeling dizzy. Wah!

Better luck at productivity tomorrow...!


  1. Wow, the comment system you have is passing curious.

    So, did R's vertigo dissipate. I occassionally have the positional kind - sit still and it goes away - and I learned how to confirm it and to correct it.

  2. He just sucked it up for a couple days and dealt with it -- wasn't comfortable, but he managed. I did all the driving. :-) It went away after about two days. We thought it might be part of the flu that everyone at his work has, but he never had any other symptoms.
